Tobias Engelhardt Rasmussen

I am a Danish man living in Copenhagen and working as a Data Scientist at Banedanmark. I have a PhD degree from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). During my PhD studies I was researching machine learning and mathematical modelling and how machine learning can be used to solve different problems in broadband networks and specifically using time series data. By nature I am a very curious guy that has a great interest in many different topics. I have also been playing curling since I was 12 years old, which has given me many amazing experiences. I love to see the world, which I have also been able to do on numerous occations in relation to my sport and to my semesters abroad, studying in North America.


I am originally a “jyde” which is a guy coming from Jutland. I was born in Aarhus, but grew up in the middle of Jutland in a city called Silkeborg. In 2015 I moved to Kongens Lyngby (just north of Copenhagen) for my undergraduate studies in applied mathematics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). I have been studying / working at DTU ever since. In 2021 I started my PhD project at DTU Compute which I finished and defended in 2024. You can read much more about my studies and work at DTU on the following pages. Here is an overview of my education history - you can also check out my full CV:

Go to the following pages to read more about my research and my curling.

